Musei di Maremma

At the Polo Le Clarisse ‘Stile Cappiello. The art poster revolution’

At the Polo Le Clarisse of Fondazione Grosseto Cultura one can discover a journey to the birth of advertising graphics through art posters. A journey, in fact, that starts from the works of one of the fathers of modern ‘poster art’, Leonetto Cappiello, with a special focus on posters from Federico Guidoni’s collection created in the 1920s, when the first advertising posters arrived in Grosseto.
The exhibition ‘Stile Cappiello.

La rivoluzione dei manifesti d’arte’, curated by Mirko Morini and Mauro Papa, will be on display in the rooms of Via Vinzaglio in Grosseto, until 8 September. Cappiello’s original works (posters, but also sketches and other objects) are exhibited together with posters by Dudovich, Ballerio, Hohenstain, Depero, Sironi, Nizzoli and Marangoli in a path that goes from Liberty advertising to Cappiello’s enduring influence on post-war authors, from Armando Testa to the 1970s.

The new figurative code proposed by Cappiello in Grosseto experienced three topical moments in the 1920s, when the art posters of Marcello Dudovich, Achille Luciano Mauzan, Aldo Mazza and Emilio Malerba spread through the city; in the 1950s, when the ‘French and Italian’ style of advertising posters was represented by Federico Seneca, Giovanni Mingozzi, Romolo Castiglioni, Nico Edel and Alfredo Lalia, and finally – after the crisis of art posters in the 1960s – in the 1970s, when Volterra-born Aulo Guidi founded Grosseto’s first graphic and advertising agency and gave new impetus to this type of artistic production. Alongside the section of original posters, Clarisse’s numerous monitors display photographs – from the Gori, BF agency and Innocenti photo archives – documenting urban views with advertising posters in Grosseto from the 1920s to the 1970s.

The exhibition is open on Wednesdays from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m., from Thursday to Saturday, 10.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Sundays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
Admission: 5 euro (3 euro reduced), including entrance to Museo Luzzetti. For info and reservations: tel. + 39 0564 488066, e-mail:

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