Piazza Fortezza Orsini, 59/c – Pitigliano
The Civic Archaeological Museum of Pitigliano was reopened in 1995 thanks to the donation of the Vaselli collection, consisting of around a thousand artifacts from the necropolis of Poggio Buco, where Adele Vaselli had conducted excavations on her own land from 1955 to 1960. The Vaselli collection includes numerous vases with geometric decorations and an important set of Etruscan-Corinthian and so-called “heavy” bucchero pottery vessels, among which large kraters and water amphorae dating from the first half of the sixth century BC. The exhibition was completely renewed in 1999, with the inclusion of both objects from recent excavations in Pitigliano, including peculiar Etruscan vascular ceramic forms of the seventh to sixth century BC from the B. Martinucci collection, previously kept at the National Archaeological Museum of Florence. There are also artefacts from a period of time ranging from the end of the Bronze Age to the third century BC, coming from the area called “Le Macerie”, or “The Ruins”, within the old town of Pitigliano (excavated in 1998). Part of the Martinucci collection is also a fragment of an Attic black-figure kylix of a painter close to the well-known Exekias. From various points in the exhibition space you can also see the warehouse-workshop where there are ceramic objects under restoration. Guided tours and demonstrations are routinely organized.
guided tours subject to booking, workshops for adults and children, exhibitions, events
Not accessible
Summer 2024
Opening days: Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Opening hours 10:00 – 13:00 and 16:00 – 19:00
Full ticket € 3.00; reduced ticket € 2,00; combined ticket for both Archaeological Museums € 6.00; reduced combined ticket for both Archaeological Museums € 3.00
Director: Debora Rossi
Info and reservations: 0564/614067
Email: museo@comune.pitigliano.gr.it (per info, prenotazioni e attività)
Email: direttoremuseo@comune.pitigliano.gr.it (per comunicare con la direzione)
Web: www.comune.pitigliano.gr.it