Musei di Maremma

Category: Museums and nature reserves

Massa Marittima

Mondo Marino Aquarium

The AQUARIUM MONDO MARINO is both a centre of marine environmental education and the headquarters of the SHARKS StUDIES CENTRE that undertakes […]

Monte Argentario

Orto Botanico Corsini

Questo giardino nasce nel 1868 per volontà del Generale Vincenzo Ricasoli (1814-1891), fratello del più famoso Bettino detto il […]


Mineralogical Museum of Semproniano

The Mineralogical Museum was born thanks to the interest of private individuals and offers an excellent selection of minerals from all over the […]


Natural History Museum of Maremma

The museum is a cultural centre and a place for dialogue between the scientific community and the public, through guided tours, educational activities, […]

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