Musei di Maremma

Regione dei Tufi

Archeological Park

The park named “Città del Tufo”, or “City of the Tufa”, in the district area of the town of Sorano, offers visitors […]

Insediamento rupestre di Vitozza

L’altro settore del Parco è l’insediamento rupestre di San Rocco al quale si accede percorrendo la provinciale 22 a circa […]

Jewish Museum, Sinagogue and Ghetto

In the sixteenth century Pitigliano belonged to the small county ruled by the Orsini Counts, between the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Papal […]

Palazzo Orsini Museum of Pitigliano

The museum is housed by Palazzo Orsini, which was founded in fourteenth century, enlarged by Count Niccolò II Orsini and modified in the […]

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